Internet Links
Below you will find links to some individuals and organizations that you may find interesting or helpful. Please contact us if you would like us to add a link that would benefit members and friends of the Loretto community, or if one of these links is not working properly.
International Satsang Association
international-satsang.org |
 The Satsang Association is a companionship between those who are open to the truth in all religious traditions and are seeking to know the absolute, the source of all life those, who also accept their need for guidance, challenge and support in the concrete living out of their ideals. Satsang members recognize the barriers which are at the heart of many of today's social evils, barriers which create fear and suspicion and thus keep people in conflict. In small, often unnoticed, yet significant ways they are working to transform fear into respect and understanding - wherever they live and work.
The Satsang Association have been forming internationally around the initiative of Sister Ishpriya's spiritual teaching and guidance. |
Mercy Center Auburn
mercycenter.org |
 Mercy Center Auburn, sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
West Midwest Community, offers and supports opportunities to enhance the life of prayer and spiritual growth of persons and communities. We offer hospitality to persons, ministries and service groups whose philosophy and beliefs are in harmony with gospel values. We host groups who, like the Sisters of Mercy, are committed to the betterment of the poor, the sick, the uneducated and the "seeker." |
Loretto Connect
loretto.net |
 While Loretto High School in Sacramento, California has closed, the spirit of Loretto lives on! Loretto High School educated young women of Sacramento on this campus for 54 years, from 1955 through 2009. Founded and run by the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mission of Loretto was to provide an outstanding college preparatory education for young women in a supportive and challenging learning environment. Loretto Connect Sacramento is an association for all alumnae, families and friends of Loretto High school. All former students of the school, even those who only attended for a short time, are welcome, as are families, friends, and alumnae. |
Roman Catholic Diocese of Sacramento
diocese-sacramento.org |
 The Diocese of Sacramento, comprised of 20 counties, spans the northern and eastern regions of the state of California and includes 42,597 square miles. The total population of this area is more than 3.5 million and 28% of those are Catholic. Their Mission Statement is "We, the People of God of the Catholic Diocese of Sacramento, guided by the Holy Spirit, are called by Christ to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God through prayer, praise and sacraments and to witness the Gospel values of love, justice, forgiveness and service to all." |
Bread of Life Center
breadoflife.org |
 Bread of Life is a charitable and educational non-profit center for spiritual formation in Sacramento, offering resources and transformative processes for individuals, communities and organizations. They serve as a leading resource for individuals and organizations seeking transformation through the spiritual journey in depth and breadth by encouraging and supporting the ongoing transformation that is the fruit of the journey which yields life-giving contributions to the world. Recognizing that the Mystery we call God is present in everyone, they engage people of diverse spiritual, religious, socio-economic, ethnic and cultural backgrounds. |
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